Tim Printy's Naval Career
I usually get a lot of questions about my naval career and I felt it would be a good idea to share my experiences over the years in the Navy. I broke it down into a few sections, which you can access in the links below. Just click on the picture or the link and it will take you there. Hopefully, you will find the stories both entertaining and informative. I tried to keep them brief but now that I look back on it and I have a lot to tell. You can contact me with further questions and information by email at tprinty_comcast.net (substitute the _ with the "at" symbol) . Old shipmates are more than welcome to contact me. I may even have a photograph or two of you laying about somewhere! If you are a shipmate and have photographs with me in them, I would be interested in getting a copy.
The early years - Boot camp and training - 1977-1979
My first tour of duty - USS Lafayette SSBN 616 - 1980-1984
Shore duty - Nuclear Field "A" school instructor - 1985-1988
Performing as the Chief - USS Providence SSN 719 - 1989-1994
Shore duty - Nuclear Power School class advisor - 1995-1997
Final tour of duty as the "Bull Nuc" - USS Honolulu SSN 718 - 1998-2000
My ribbons upon retirement
Back to my main web page where you can read about my other interests and hobbies.