This web site is dedicated to the Skeptical UFO Newsletter I started on May 1, 2009. SUNlite, as I call it, is dedicated to the skeptical information and opinions regarding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). In 2003, Phil Klass ended his publication of his Skeptical UFO Newsletter(SUN) due to his failing health. I call this newsletter SUNlite because without Phil, it is not quite the same, which means it is a "lite" version of his newsletter. I want to encourage submissions for the newsletter from fellow skeptics and UFO proponents alike. All articles should be skeptical of claims that UFOs are alien spaceships because that is what this newsletter is about. I have no desire to present conspiracy theories I do not agree with or to make great leaps that, because a UFO can not be explained, it is an alien spaceship. The first day of the month of issue is when to check the site for the latest issue. It should be there but if it isn't check back in a few days. I may be too busy or sidetracked. Any articles or comments should be directed to my email address (substitute the _ with the "at" symbol). Many thanks to those providing input and assistance for the newsletter.